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About Agency

The national Cyber security agency was established by Emiri Resolution No.1 of 2021 issued on March 25, 2021. The agency headed by His Exellency Mr. Abdulahman Ali Mohammed Al Farahid Al Malki reports directly to the Council of Ministers. The decision to establish the agency came to unify the visions and efforts of securing the state's cyberspace and maintaining it's national cyber security.

Message from Eng.

HE Engineer Abdulrahman Ali Muhammad Al Farahid Al Malki

The President of National Cyber security Agency

The State of Qatar is keen to create a balanced and sustainable development environment that keeps pace with development, which reflects the vision and interest of the wise leadership of His Highness Sheikh / Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, the Emir of the country (may Allah protect him). There is no doubt that the National Cybersecurity Agency is an integral part of that environment. Emiri Decree No. 1 of 2021 establishing the National Cybersecurity Agency came to integrate the efforts of government actors in the field of maintaining cybersecurity in the country under one umbrella and enhance its capabilities to protect the state and support its steadfastness in the face of the growing cyber threats. Since, the agency has taken upon itself to face major challenges by supporting and enabling cybersecurity initiatives by intensifying cooperation with entities in the government and private sectors of the country to address all potential cyber threats that may affect the information infrastructure, which has become the vital artery of the country’s economy.

Moreover, the agency affirms its commitment to pursue hard and diligent work through projects and programs that aim to enhance cybersecurity and provide a secure cyber environment in accordance with the latest systems and international best practices in such field in order to achieve building and developing information and communications technology, digital transformation, providing valuable solutions to meet cyber challenges, and supporting building capabilities and innovation in order to achieve secure cyberspace that benefits all individuals and institutions in the State of Qatar and meets the requirements of sustainable national development and thus enhances the position of the State of Qatar regionally and globally in such vital field. May Allah grants success.

Agency’s Main Functions

  • Preparing and updating the national strategy for cybersecurity in coordination with the related authorities, and supervising its implementation after being approved by the Council of Ministers.
  • Develop and update policies, governance mechanisms, standards, controls, and guidelines necessary to enhance cybersecurity in coordination with the competent authorities, circulate them to the relevant authorities and follow up on compliance with related entities.
  • Develop and update cyber risk management frameworks, and monitor compliance with related entities.
  • Assessing the cybersecurity situation in the country, in coordination with the related authorities, to monitor risks in a proactive manner.
  • Preparing reports on the cybersecurity situation locally, regionally, and internationally.
  • Defining and classifying the institutions of the vital sectors in the country.
  • Preparing and implementing the national plan for response and recovery from cyber-attacks incidents, in coordination with the competent authorities.
  • Supervising emergency plans and ensuring the continuity of work related to cybersecurity for the institutions of the vital sectors.
  • Establishing mechanisms for exchanging, sharing, publishing, monitoring, reconnaissance, and analyzing information related to cybersecurity with local and international bodies.
  • Setting the necessary standards and mechanisms for examining and approving the devices, systems, and applications that operate the vital infrastructure in the country in coordination with the competent authorities.
  • Adopting human capital evaluation criteria and frameworks for human resource specialized in cybersecurity working for vital sectors.
  • Evaluate and develop the cybersecurity capabilities of the vital sector entities, set plans to raise standards, and follow up on their implementation.
  • Setting standards and controls for licensing cybersecurity service providers and issuing accreditation certificates.
  • Enhancing cybersecurity awareness by supporting and developing national capabilities in such field through programs and initiatives, and organizing cybersecurity-related events in the country.
  • Credence cybersecurity projects and initiatives in the entities of vital sectors.
  • Implementation of cyber drills and cyber maneuvers at the state level.
  • Concluding contracts, memoranda of understanding, and partnerships with local and international bodies relevant to cybersecurity.
  • Follow up on the implementation of the state’s commitments relevant to cybersecurity.
  • Encouraging and directing research and innovation in the field of cybersecurity, furthermore, working to localize a local industry for it.
  • Comply with the laws, regulations, and decisions related to the protection of personal data privacy.
  • Suggesting legislative tools related to cybersecurity.

Entities which are merged to the National Cyber Security Agency

  • agency

    QCERT Compliance & Data Protection Department Critical Information Infrastructure Protection (CIIP)( Ministry of Transportations and Telecommunications )

  • agency

    Cyber Security Center (Ministry of Interior)

  • agency

    Safety & Security Operations Committee (Security Committee of FIFA 2022)

  • agency

    National Information Security Committee – (Council of Ministers General Secretariat)