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19 March 2023

Obtained the International Recognized Approval for Issuing Information Security Certificates for Electronic Devices and Programs

The State of Qatar has obtained the approval for issuing information security certificates for electronic devices and programs, as it is the first country in the Middle East and North Africa to issue these internationally recognized certificates from the committee of the Common Criteria Recognition Arrangement (CCRA). 
The State of Qatar has joined the Common Criteria Recognition Arrangement (CCRA) during its first conference of the year 2023 in Malaysia. 
After applying to become an Authorizing Member, the State of Qatar’s Common Criteria Scheme (QCCS) under the National Cyber Security Agency (NCSA) underwent a conformity assessment by Malaysia’s and India’s certification authorities to ensure its compliance. After the assessment, the Malaysia’s and India’s authorities reported to the president of the Accreditation Committee of (CCRA) that Qatar Common Criteria Scheme (QCCS) met all requirements.

In its efforts for improving security and preparedness for cyber security threats in all critical sectors, the State of Qatar has joined (CCRA) in 2015 as a Consuming Member of Certificates.
Since becoming a Consuming Member, the State of Qatar has ensured that all stipulated requirements by the Common Criteria Recognition Arrangement (CCRA) were fulfilled to be recognized as an Authorizing Member. 

The Common Criteria (CC) is an international set of guidelines and specifications which define frameworks for IT security evaluation and certification. It provides assurance that IT products meet standard security requirements for government or specific market deployments through formal recognition that certify a product as it meets standard requirements (ISO/IEC 15408).

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