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23 February 2023

NCSA receives a delegation from Joaan Bin Jassim Academy

The National Cyber Security Agency received today Thursday Feb. 23,2023 a delegation of trainees from Joaan Bin Jassim Academy for Defense Studies who are studying National Defense course No.3.

The visit aims to highlight the importance of information security as well as the roles and responsibilities of the agency in securing the nation’s cyberspace.

In this regard, HE Brigadier Eid Al Sulaiti from Ministry of Defense and a former student of the Academy, expressed his pride in the Agency and the important role it plays in securing Qatar’s cyberspace.

Mr. Al Sulaiti advised all members of the community to join the training and awareness workshops offered by the Agency which aim at raising cyber security awareness.

For his part, Mr. Ali Al Yarboi – Senior financial expert at the Ministry of Justice who was also a former student of Joaan Academy explained that the visit was to learn more about the agency and its mission.

He pointed out that this visit was fruitful and identified the areas of expertise of the agency and its programs. He also stressed on the importance of visiting the Agency’s website to learn more about its objectives and competencies.

The delegation was represented by a number of officers from the armed forces, security services and senior employees of various ministries. The National Cyber Security Agency introduced its specialties through 4 presentations which included the National Cyber Operations Affairs, National Cyber Empowerment & Excellence Affairs, National Cyber Governance & Assurance Affairs and Information Security Department.

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