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14 May 2023

NCSA organizes introductory workshops on Personal Data Privacy Protection Law

The National Cyber Security Agency represented by the National Data Privacy office, is organizing a series of introductory workshops on Personal Data Privacy Protection Law between May 14-18,2023. The workshops aim to familiarize employees with Personal Data Privacy Protection Law, enhance their awareness and compliance with the law and help them apply it in their organizations according to their needs. The workshops are targeted to data protection employees and privacy experts in a number of entities in the country and are grouped according to the following: Sunday May 14,2023 was dedicated to employees in the financial sector. Whereas Monday May 15 for education sector, Tuesday May 16, for healthcare sector, Wednesday May 17, for hospitality and Transport and Thursday May 18, for government entities. The series of workshops come within the framework of the National Cyber Security Agency to raise the maturity level of entities on how to protect their data in order to foster a culture of personal privacy data protection. The State of Qatar is one the first countries in the Gulf region to issue a law to protect the privacy of personal data and the third in the world to enact this law from which it started to promote the importance of balance between digital transformation and risk monitoring that may affect the privacy of individuals while processing their data. The National Data Privacy office is the competent department to supervise the implementation of the law. It also provides a set of awareness initiatives, policies, guidelines and tools that help entities comply with the law, in addition to receiving requests for processing special nature data and notifications of data leakage.  

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