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12 September 2023

NCSA organizes a cyber security training course

The National Cyber Security Agency organized a cyber security training course in collaboration with The Institute of Public Administration at The Civil Service and Government Development Bureau which aims to foster digital safety in the digital work environment. The program which lasted 2 years was conducted in partnership with The Institute of Public Administration and targeted 560 Qatari employees. The National Cyber Security Agency is collaborating with The Institute of Public Administration in the 2023 training program that aims to cover the training needs of 54 governmental entities under the Civil Human Resources law. For her part, Mrs. Dalal Al Aqeedi- Head of The National Cyber Excellence Department stressed on the importance of this partnership to enhance national cyber capabilities in the field of cyber security. Ms. Al Aqeedi added; “The trainees’ needs were taken into consideration through offering many choices in timings and dates of the training programs”. She also added that two other courses on cyber security were also offered this year, a foundational course and an advanced course and both are available onsite and online. She pointed out that 7 foundational courses were successfully conducted this year which enhanced the general capabilities of participants in the field of cybersecurity and increased their ability to deal with digital threats with high efficiency. She also noted that 9 advanced courses in the field of cyber awareness have been completed for employees who have successfully completed the first level courses or attended any training program related to cyber security. The advanced courses were highly interactive and witnessed a participation of around 199 employees. The courses tackled several areas in the cyber security field, the most important of which are raising cyber awareness, promoting a culture of information security and cyber security risks and identifying cyber security best practices to avoid risks and ensure business continuity in line with the National Information Security Strategy. The foundation course covers a number of important topics including malware, password, phishing, social engineering, safe web browsing, email security, social media, email security, working offsite, data processing, storage device management and cloud security. While the advanced course covers several cyber security topics such as enhancing users’ knowledge in cyber security including early detection of risks, response and reporting. The course targets all employees who completed the first level or attended any course related to cyber security. This training course was attended by 260 Qatari employees during the year 2021 as well as 300 employees in the year 2022. Preparations for 2024 training plan is underway.

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