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2 November 2023

NCSA organizes an awareness workshop on AI risks in Media Sector

With the participation of government and private media entities, the National Cyber Security Agency organized today, Thursday Nov.2,2023, an awareness workshop entitled "Risks of Artificial Intelligence in the Media Sector. This workshop is part of the National Cyber Security Agency's role in raising awareness among participating entities about risks associated with Artificial Intelligence technology. In this regard, Mr. Abdulrahman Al Shafi, Director of Cyber Security Strategies and Policies at the National Cyber Security Agency, said that this workshop aims to raise awareness of Artificial Intelligence technologies and their increasing role in the media field. Al-Shafi added that there are many risks associated with the use of Artificial Intelligence techniques in the media field and the content industry. The workshop highlighted the increased reliance on digital media in our current time, which is directly affected by artificial intelligence. It also presented proposals to mitigate those risks through specific recommendations. Furthermore, the workshop reviewed cyber threats related to Artificial Intelligence and their impact on the media sector, including fraud, data leakage and personal privacy breach. It also discussed how to deal with these challenges, as well as procedures for responding to cyber incidents and recovery mechanisms.

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