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5 June 2023

NCSA conducts Cyber Security training program at the Ministry of Justice

NCSA conducts Cyber Security training program at the Ministry of Justice
The Center for Legal and Judicial Studies, in collaboration with the National Cyber Security Agency, represented by the National Cyber Excellence Department, conducted a training course on cybersecurity, with the participation of more than 50 trainees from various government entities. The course started on April and will last till June 2023.
The “Legal Regulations of Cybersecurity” program aims to provide participants with the necessary skills in the field of cybersecurity, develop their capabilities, raise awareness of cyber risks, as well as provide fresh legal professionals with the basic principles of cybersecurity and how to face cyber challenges, in addition to shedding light on cybersecurity governance strategies and laws in the State of Qatar.
The course included practical experience of the most prominent cyber-attacks, viruses, malware, cyber judicial rules, critical infrastructure protection mechanisms and methods of combating cyber-attacks.
The course also discussed the commitment of national entities to apply cybersecurity standards and legal regulations.
In this regard, Dr. Saleh Ali Al-Fadalla, Director of the Center for Legal and Judicial Studies at the Ministry of Justice, said that this course comes within the framework of the Center's training plan for the year 2023, which includes a collaboration program with the National Cyber Security Agency to host experts from the agency to conduct trainings for all levels of professionals working in the legal field.
For her part, Ms. Dalal Al-Aqeedi, Director of the National Cyber Excellence Department at the National Cyber Security Agency, explained that this is the second year of collaboration with the National Cyber Security Agency to implement the “Legal Regulations of Cybersecurity” course directed to legal professionals in all parts of the country. She expressed the agency’s happiness in this partnership to enhance the cyber culture among different professionals and develop their capabilities in dealing with cyber threats and risks. She also stressed that the agency spares no effort in collaborating with national entities and ministries in order to exchange expertise and spread a culture of cyber security and digital safety among all society segments and mainly the vital sectors.
Engineer Iman Al-Hamad, an information security expert, presented a comprehensive overview of cybersecurity and its pillars. She also discussed the importance of fostering the knowledge of legal professionals with the basic principles of cybersecurity and ways to face cyber challenges, in addition to considering cybersecurity governance strategies and laws in the State of Qatar.
The “Legal Regulations of Cybersecurity” program, which runs from April till the beginning of June, deals with several pillars, including types of cyber threats and risks, national cybersecurity laws, methods of protecting and securing corporate and personal data and managing cyber risks and others.

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