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21 May 2023

NCSA concludes introductory workshops on Personal Data Protection Law

On Thursday May 18, The National Cyber Security Agency represented by the National Data Privacy office concluded the series of introductory workshops on Personal Data Privacy Protection Law which ran from May 14-18 and targeted employees in a number of entities in the country. The workshops aimed to familiarize employees with the Personal Data Privacy Protection Law, enhance their awareness and compliance with the law and help them apply it in their organizations according to their needs. The workshops were dedicated to data protection employees and privacy experts. The participating sectors were finance, education, health, hospitality, transport and government and each sector was assigned a day. The workshops were attended by more than 260 participants representing 60 organizations. The National Data Privacy Office hosted 3 guest speakers from different organizations who shared their expertise in the field of personal data privacy with QA session as well as discussing challenges. In this regard, Mrs. Dana Al Abdulla- Director of National Cyber Governance and Assurance Affairs at the agency explained that the workshops come within the Agency’s keenness to foster the awareness of various entities to understand the law and how to comply with it in order to promote a culture of privacy of personal data. She explained that the importance of these workshop lies in supporting the various organizations with the most prominent technological developments in the field of privacy and discussing the challenges in different sectors, stressing that the agency will spare no effort in supporting and strengthening various sectors in the country to enhance the level of cyber security and data privacy.

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