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28 January 2024

NCSA celebrates Data Privacy Day

On Data Privacy Day marked January 28 of each year, The National Cyber Security Agency celebrates this day through highlighting the importance of personal data privacy protection and emphasizing the importance of privacy principles and data integrity. Given the importance of personal data privacy, His Highness Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, the Amir of Qatar issued Law No. 13 of 2016 regarding the protection of personal data. The law covers all aspects related to protecting the rights of individuals with regard to the privacy of personal data. On this occasion, HE Engineer Abdulrahman bin Ali Al Farahid Al-Malki, President of the National Cyber Security Agency said: “On the occasion of Data Privacy Day, we urge all organizations and companies to adhere to the principles of transparency and integrity in processing personal data and complying with the Qatari Personal Data Privacy Protection Law”. His Excellency referred to the efforts of the National Cybers Security Agency in showcasing the importance of Personal Data Privacy Protection Law, through launching support tools for organizations and regulated entities to facilitate their compliance with the principles of privacy and the obligations of the Qatari law. In alignment with Data Privacy Day, the National Cyber Security Agency, represented by the National Data Privacy Office, has disclosed a range of initiatives. These encompass the facilitation of workshops for specialized working groups, bringing together experts from various sectors to address common challenges in the realm of data privacy and collaborate on joint efforts. Notably, two workshops are scheduled—one designed for the Financial Sector Working Group and another for the Law Firms and Privacy Consultants Working Group. In addition, the National Data Privacy Office, is also launching two assistive tools to facilitate compliance with the principles of privacy and the requirements of the Qatari law, the (Privacy by Design Tool) and (Organization-Level Privacy Compliance Assessment Tool). Moreover, The National Cyber Security Agency and in cooperation with Qatar Media Corporation is conducting an awareness campaign that includes publishing awareness tips on Personal Privacy Protection best practices through different radio channels.

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