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15 July 2024

NCSA Announces the Establishment of the National Cyber Security Academy

With the aim of enhancing digital safety capabilities and raising the level of cyber awareness among employees of government and private entities, the National Cyber Security Agency is launching the National Cyber Security Academy this year. The Academy, which received the necessary accreditation from the Ministry of Education and Higher Education, will serve as a leading regional hub combining theoretical education with practical training. This approach will enable trainees to gain real hands-on experience in dealing with various digital threats. The academy will offer a range of training programs, including short-term courses and certificates of participation with the aim of developing the skills of employees in various sectors. On this occasion, Her Excellency, Mrs. Buthaina Bint Ali Al-Jabr Al Nuaimi, Minister of Education and Higher Education, said: "The Ministry is committed to enhancing lifelong learning opportunities across various fields, including cybersecurity, to increase Qatar's readiness to face modern technical challenges." In the same context, His Excellency, Engineer Abdulrahman bin Ali Al Farahid Al Malki, President of the National Cyber Security Agency, said: " The academy is dedicated to training and qualifying national cadres, providing them with high professional skills aligned with the best internationally recognized professional standards in the field of cybersecurity. The Academy will contribute significantly to the development of cyber capabilities and knowledge through research, development and modernization in cybersecurity tools, policies and strategies." The academy will include several departments, each specializing in various administrative and training activities, including courses, workshops, and discussion groups. Additionally, it includes a laboratory simulating real-life scenarios on how cybersecurity attacks are carried out. The National Cyber Security Academy aims to enhance cybersecurity and digital safety indicators in Qatar, contribute to the development of a secure cyber environment, and raise awareness to the highest international standards. Furthermore, it supports the achievement of Qatar National Vision 2030 in human, social, and continuous development.

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