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8 May 2023

National Data Privacy Office (NDPO) is organizing a Data Privacy Sectoral Working Groups Event

How to Register: Please click on the link below to register for the event

Registration Link -

Objective: The objective of the Data Privacy Sectoral Working Groups Event is to promote awareness and compliance with Law No 13 of the year 2016: Personal Data Privacy Protection Law (PDPPL) and to engage NDPO and controllers of personal data across various sectors.

Intended Audience: This event is intended for Data Protection Officers (DPOs) or privacy professionals across specific sectors who wish to learn more about PDPPL and how it applies to their organization. Participants are requested to join the event in accordance with the dates mentioned for their respective sectors.

Topics: The event will cover topics for discussion that are specifically related to the PDPPL and the NDPOs remit as Competent Department. The event will:

● provide industry stakeholders with an avenue to communicate with the National Data Privacy Office (NDPO) regarding key issues within their respective sector;

● highlight technological and privacy-related developments in their respective sector that may require NDPO’s considerations; and

● identify topics for guidance and information that would support organizations within the Sector in their endeavors to comply with the PDPPL.

Event Schedule: This is a five-day event that will span from 14th May 2023 to 18th May 2023, with each day dedicated to one sector, and the details of the same are provided below:







Financial services

14th May 2023, Sunday

9:00 AM to 11:40 AM



15th May 2023, Monday

9:00 AM to 11:40 AM



16th May 2023, Tuesday

9:00 AM to 11:40 AM


Hospitality & transport

17th May 2023, Wednesday

9:00 AM to 11:40 AM


Government entities

18th May 2023, Thursday

9:00 AM to 11:40 AM



Agenda: The agenda for the event (tabulated below) will remain the same for all five days with the exception of the sector-specific workshop which will be in accordance with the applicable sector.




Start Time

Start Time


Introduction and welcome remarks

9:00 AM

9:15 AM


Part1: workshop on PDPPL

9:15 AM

10:00 AM



10:00 AM

10:15 AM


Part2 : Sector Specific Workshop

10:15 AM

10:45 AM


Roundtable discussion / Q and A

10:45 AM

11:05 AM


Closing remarks

11:05 AM

11:10 AM


NDPO Privacy game

11:10 AM

11:40 AM


















Note: International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP) has pre approved this event and you will receive 2.75 CPE credits for attending this event. The credits are applicable for CIPM, CIPT, CIPP/A, CIPP/C, CIPP/E, and CIPP/US certifications.

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