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30 March 2022

The National Cybersecurity Agency participates in Smart City Expo- Doha entitled "Sustaining A Future of Resilience”

On Thursday, March 10, 2022, the National Cyber Security Agency concluded the National Cyber Drill “Star 2022 ", which lasted for four days in continuation of annual national cyber drills aimed at raising State entities’ preparedness and efficiency to address and handle cyber-attacks.

In this year’s theme “National Cyber Defenses: Know the Enemy within”, around 150 institutions with more than 1,400 specialists participated with a rise of 46% compared to the number of entities that participated last year.

His Excellency Eng. Abdul Rahman Al-Maliki, President of the National Cyber Security Agency, said that “The national cyber drills are of upmost value for testing and assessing the national readiness to protect information assets and raising the level of resilience to confront cyber threats. This year's drill is part of the Agency's leading role in securing the 2022 World Cup as it will give useful indicators on the readiness to respond to cyber-attacks”.

Eng. Noura Yousef Al-Abdullah, Cyber Resiliency, Risk and Crisis Department Manager, said that the cyber drills aim to identify the cyber security maturity level of entities and measure their readiness to protect their critical assets from cyber threats, as well as address any weaknesses in their cyber security”.

The drill addressed the basic technical issues such as security designs and protection mechanisms through modeling the cyber threats that organizations are likely to face and how to work to repel them, helping them understand the readiness of their defenses to address the cyber threats they may be face, assessing their readiness to respond to massive and complex cyber-attacks, in addition to reviewing their national cybersecurity landscape.

Cyber drills come as one of the initiatives of the National Cyber Security Agency to sharpen national cybersecurity capacity and develop and refine national capabilities in the field of cybersecurity by developing and maintaining a professional workforce, enhancing preparedness, responding and recovering from cyber incidents through collaboration, circulating information in timely manner and taking the necessary measures.

The scenarios and models of this year’s edition, were engineered and tailored by a team of experts from The National Cyber Cybersecurity Agency, to fit the requirements of the participating sectors, test their readiness and focus on the most important elements of protection and flexibility in preparation for the 2022 World Cup. Several important topics were covered including cyber resilience, cyber accidents response and recovery, business continuity and disaster recovery and crisis communication with a special focus on the human element and its role in building a strong and resilient cyber security system.

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