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16 October 2023

The National Cybersecurity Agency Participates in Cyber Security Education and Research conference in Kuwait

The State of Qatar represented by the National Cyber Security Agency participated in the 5th Cyber Security Education and Research conference, held in the State of Kuwait on the 15th -16th of October 2023. On the side lines of the conference, Mr. Khaled Al-Hashmi- Director of National Cyber Empowerment and Excellence Affairs at the National Cyber Security Agency, and the participating delegation, met with representatives of the Kuwait’s National Cyber Security Center (NCSC). During the meeting, they reviewed the state of Qatar’s experience in the “Educational cybersecurity Curricula” project, which is considered the first of its kind in the region, as it aims to enhance the capabilities of children and adolescents and raise their awareness through a comprehensive curriculum accompanied by workshops and animations. The National Cybersecurity Agency discussed and reviewed the national cyber training program, the community awareness programs and the digital safety strategy pursued by the Agency. They also discussed proposed aspects of cooperation between the NCSA and Kuwait’s NCSC in the field of cyber awareness and empowerment projects in addition to a number of topics of mutual interest.

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