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20 March 2023

The National Cyber Security Agency Signs an agreement with State Audit Bureau

The National Cyber Security Agency signed an agreement with the State Audit Bureau on the 20th of March with the aim of enhancing joint collaboration and exchanging expertise between the two parties in the field of training and development.  

In this regard, Mrs. Latifa Ahmed Al Ameri, Head of Support Services Affairs at the National Cyber Security Agency, said: “This agreement between The National Cyber Security Agency and the State Audit Bureau comes within the framework of developing and training the agency’s employees in a number of areas such as purchase, finance, auditing and others”

The agreement was signed by Mrs. Latifa Ahmed Al Ameri, Head of Support Services Affairs on behalf of The National Cyber Security Agency, and Mrs. Rana Mahdi Al Hajri, Head of Excellence Training Center on behalf of the State Audit Bureau.


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