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30 January 2023

The National Cyber Security Agency participates in CtF contest

The National Cyber Security Agency participated in the National Capture-the Flag (CTF) competition (CTF World Cup Edition) organized by the KINDI Centre for Computing Research at Qatar University-College of Engineering and sponsored by Dolphin Energy. The competition aimed to enable students to combat cyber security challenges through practical experiences.

Through this participation, the agency aims to promote a cybersecure culture among students in the state of Qatar and promote youth initiatives that aim to foster university students’ cyber capabilities and skills.

Dr. Abdulaziz Khalid Al Ali -Director of KINDI Centre for Computing Research at College of Engineering said that the competition raised the cyber security capabilities, cyber security education, cyber resilience and cyber security assessment.

Ms. Dalal Al Aqeedi- Head of the National Cyber Excellence Department at NCSA said that the agency’s participation stems from its mission in promoting national educational initiatives for students and youths.

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