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8 March 2023

The National Cyber Security Agency Participates in the 5th United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries

To introduce the role of the Agency which is secure and protect the national cyberspace in Qatar, The National Cyber Security Agency participated in the 5th United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries from the 5th and the 9th of March.

The Agency conducted a panel discussion entitled “The National Cyber Security Readiness, Management, and Awareness Methods” aiming to highlight cyber risks and management methods to raise awareness for the least developed countries.

The panel discussed various aspects such as the importance of rising capabilities and cyber readiness, developing digital infrastructure protection policies, and activating the role of academic institutions and research centers.

In this regard, Mr. Ibrahim Khalid Al Mahmoud, Director of the International Relations Department at NCSA, emphasized the agency’s keenness to participate in the conference. Ponting out the importance of supporting the capabilities of cyber security in the least developed countries through a session aiming to promoting the visions and presenting Qatar’s experience. Furthermore, the attendees were provided with a training portfolio including awareness courses on cyber security.

In addition, he added that the size, the level, and the scope of the cyber threats toward these countries is increasing rapidly. Al Mahmoud also pointed out that cyber-attacks nowadays require national efforts to transfer the status of these institutions to cyber readiness through understanding the different risks and developing a comprehensive strategy for national cyber security.

The National Cyber Security Agency seeks through its participation to highlight the cyber risks and management methods to raise awareness of the least developed countries. In addition, to share their role of securing and protecting Qatar’s cyberspace and its future aspiration in strengthening the national efforts to support the least developed countries.

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