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19 June 2023

The National Cyber Security Agency participates in the 32nd Doha International Book Fair


The National Cyber Security Agency (NCSA) is participating in the 32nd Doha International Book Fair. Through its pavilion, the agency aims at spreading cyber security culture for all segments of the society and enhancing individual’s capabilities to face cyber threats.

Through this participation, the agency focuses on raising community awareness of cyber security risks at a national level which is one of the strategic objectives of the National Cyber Security Agency, in addition to introducing the community to the Agency’s initiatives such as “Cyber Security Curriculum” initiative, which was recently launched in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and Higher Education that includes educational content targeting children and youths to raise their level of awareness of cyber threats and how to deal with them.

The agency also organized two panel discussions in collaboration with the Qatari Forum for Authors.  Those discussions serve as a platform for exchanging ideas and knowledge on cyber security and encourage active participation from all segments.

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