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27 April 2023

The National Cyber Security Agency Participated in RSA Global Cyber Conference

The National Cyber Security Agency Participated in RSA Annual Cyber Conference from the 24th -27th of April at San Francisco in the United States of America with the participation of around 40 to 50 thousand international cybersecurity leaders and experts.     

The National Cyber Security Agency was presented by Mr. Ahmed Mohammed Al Hammadi, Director of National Cyber Fusion Affairs where he gave a presentation about Qatar’s cyber achievements during hosting FIFA Qatar World Cup 2022. Al Hammadi also presented the cyber plans and the readiness of the agency to face potential cyber risks before, during, and after the tournament.   


Al Hammadi called for the need for international collaboration to ensure a safe cyberspace. He also urged countries hosting the upcoming World Cup 2026 to share information and tools to ensure the safety and security of the tournament.   

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