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31 October 2023

National Cyber Security Agency organized two awareness workshops on “Data Security and privacy Protection

The National Cyber Security Agency organized two awareness workshops on “Data Security and privacy Protection from Oct. 31- Nov.1,2023, with the participation of over 200 government and private entities. The awareness workshops aim to review the necessary measures to protect digital assets and critical data and provide guidance to organizations on best practices and essential measures to maintain data security and privacy protection. During the first session of the workshops, The National Data Classification policy, which was launched in May of this year, was highlighted while stressing on the importance of implementing it within organizations as well as the classification levels and technical controls. Experts from the National Cyber Security Agency provided a detailed explanation of the Personal Data Privacy Protection Law and the role of the National Data Privacy Office as the competent authority in overseeing the processing of personal data within the State of Qatar. The workshops concluded with a presentation on the consequences of data breaches, lessons learned from previous incidents, cyber risks facing supply chains and techniques used by hackers in such incidents in order to increase the readiness of entities to address those risks.

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