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13 February 2024

The National Cyber Security Agency Organized Sports and Entertainment Events at Expo 2023 Doha on the National Sports Day

organized number of activities on the National Sports Day at Expo 2023 Doha, with the participation of a large number of the Agency's employees, their families, and the visitors. Through its participation in the National Sports Day, the National Cyber Security Agency was keen to provide various sports activities and entertaining competitions with the aim of encouraging families, all age groups, and various segments of society to practice sports and do physical activities, and raise their awareness of the importance of sport and its role in daily human life. In this regard, H.E Engineer Abdulrahman bin Ali Al Farahid Al-Malki, President of the National Cyber Security Agency, praised the large participation of community members in the activities of the National Sports Day, expressing his gratitude to participate in such day that reflects the interest of Qatari society in sports. His Excellency stressed the importance of sport and the enhancing of sports culture, which plays an important role in improving the physical and psychological health of individuals, explaining that the State of Qatar's interest in sports is only consolidating its leading position as a destination for sports events at the Regional and international levels. The latest of which was the 2023 Asian Cup, which the Agency participated in securing at the cyber level, as the Agency carried out many measures before, during, and after the end of the tournament. His Excellency indicated that the Agency tested the readiness of the tournament's systems for several months by simulating the penetration processes of the programs, applications and networks of the entities operating in the tournament, and testing the effectiveness and readiness of these entities to face any cyberthreats, through periodic inspection and testing of stadium networks. NCSA also conducted its championship plan, which includes several procedures for sports events to respond to incidents and deal with potential cyber threats and intrusions effectively 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The Agency also activated all operational capabilities from monitoring and detection of intrusions and cyber threats, and immediate and effective response to electronic incidents. The sports day event ended with a positive atmosphere and the Agency's employees and visitors expressed their gratitude to participate in the events organized by the National Cyber Security Agency on the occasion of the National Sports Day, stressing that these activities and events enhance the importance of sport as a community culture and contribute to the development of social cohesion between employees and their families.

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