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1 May 2024

The National Cyber Security Agency awards National Information Assurance (NIA) Certificate of Compliance for Public Prosecution

The National Cyber Security Agency (NCSA) announced that the Public Prosecution in the State of Qatar complete its compliance roadmap for National Information Assurance (NIA) by obtaining a second Information Assurance (NIA) Certificate of Compliance, after the first Certificate obtained back in 2021, covering together all Qatar Public Prosecution departments and business processes. The National Cyber Security Agency (NCSA) emphasizes the importance of compliance to National Information Assurance (NIA) Standard as it contributes to the protection of protection of national information assets. The National Cyber Security Agency (NCSA) is looking forward for all government entities and critical sectors organizations to obtain the National Information Assurance (NIA) Certification, which enhances and contributes fundamentally to raising the level of Cyber Security within organizations.

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