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20 August 2024

The National Cyber Security Agency Awards the first NIA Re-certification for Qatar Public Prosecution

The National Cyber Security Agency has re-certified Qatar Public Prosecution NIA -Certification after the expiration of the first certificate which lasted 3 years, and completing all requirements. This step comes within the agency's ongoing efforts to raise the level of safety and compliance with information security for all institutions in the State of Qatar, and to protect them from any potential cyber threats. The “National Information Assurance Standard Compliance Certification” aims to enhance the level of confidence in protecting the digital assets of organizations in the government and private sectors. The National Cybersecurity Agency urges all organizations to apply for a certificate of compliance with the National Information Assurance Standard (NIA), and ensure that they receive the necessary support and guidance in this context, which will enhance and contribute to raising the level of national cybersecurity.

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