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14 February 2024

The National Cyber Security Agency Announces the Beginning of Acceptance of Official Applications for Penetration Testing Accreditation.

The National Cyber Security Agency announced that it officially started accepting applications for the Penetration Testing Accreditation for service providers, which is one of the tracks of Accreditation programs for cyber security service providers, as part of the Agency's efforts to secure the supply chain of cyber services in the State of Qatar. During the Cyber Assurance Conference last September, the National Cyber Security Agency launched the Penetration Testing Accreditation Standard, which sets out the requirements that service providers must adhere to obtain Penetration Testing Accreditation, and to help applicants assess their readiness to gain the Accreditation, a self-readiness assessment form has been published. In this regard, the National Cyber Security Agency organized a workshop about Penetration Testing Accreditation for companies providing Penetration Testing services wishing to obtain Accreditation in order to provide Accredited services in the State of Qatar, whether in the public or private sector. Nearly 50 participants attended the workshop from companies providing Penetration Testing services and those interested in the Accreditation program. During the workshop, Engineer Jassim Al-Muftah, Director of the Cyber Assurance Department at the National Cyber Security Agency, emphasized on the importance of obtaining Accreditation for cyber security service providers, as Accreditation contributes to enhancing credibility and confidence in the service provided, and ensures the provision of technical efficiency as well as documentation of services provided. Furthermore, Engineer Jassim Al-Muftah mentioned the Agency's future plans to develop and strengthen cyber security supply chains in the State of Qatar. Al-Muftah also stated the main requirements, forms, and documents required for the Accreditation.

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